The Australian government has high regard for their citizen’s welfare especially both in formal and vocational education that is why their Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations has clearly laid down the academic policies, rules and regulations governing CUF 50407 or otherwise known as Diploma of Specialist Makeup Services.
This very article will elaborate discussions pertaining to its course description and the employability skills qualification summary of interested applicants who want to enrol in diploma of specialist makeup services:
The role of those with this qualification is to organise, carry out, and assess the work of oneself and/or a team in the area of specialised cosmetics solutions for the film, television, and entertainment industries. They must also have a solid academic base. They might manage a makeup department or business, or they might work independently.
Any candidate who wants to earn this qualification is probably already proficient in general hair and/or makeup techniques.
Employment duties
- Hair, makeup, and fashion designers
- A designer or artist of special makeup effects.
Route Information
Certification routes
Routes to obtaining the qualification
Students may obtain the requirements with no any prior training and with little to no relevant lower-level education.
Regulating and The licensing process Information
Considerations for licensing, legislation, regulation, and certification
This qualification is not directly related to any legislative, regulatory, or licensing requirements. However, a unit of competency will specify pertinent licensing, statutory, and/or regulatory standards that have a bearing on the unit where necessary.
Summary of employability skills:
- treating artists and entertainers with tact and respect
- empathising with those who come from different backgrounds and have different abilities.
- seeking advice from senior creatives while designing unique makeup effects
- negotiating modifications to the arrangements for hair and makeup
- handling disagreements that may occur on site over the provision of makeup and hair services
- analysing design briefs, scripts, and various other operational information
- expressing potentially difficult concepts
- finishing work-related paperwork, such as continuity diaries and make-up schedules
- collaborating with others on design solutions testing and improvement
- discussing design ideas with clients and coworkers
- collecting reports—both verbal and written—about the tools and needs for production
- bargaining with providers of resources
- fostering a culture of candid and empathetic conversation among teammates
- relating well to people with various needs and interests
- establishing an atmosphere of cooperation among teammates and keeping track of the output of the team.
Problem solving
continuously assessing, difficult, and advancing concepts toward solutions.
- identifying significant trends and problems, then addressing them with a variety of recommendations and remedies.
- addressing unforeseen problems and difficulties that develop throughout testing procedures.
- creating and implementing hairstyles to account for specific facial features or shapes
- taking steps to ensure a secure workplace
- recognizing and reacting correctly when skin reacts negatively with cosmetics or hair care products
- creating remedies for excess funds
Enterprise and initiative
- creating and investigating ideas
- lateral thinking when creating concepts
- creating the best method for enhancing characterization with special makeup effects
- engaging in a variety of innovative thinking tasks effectively and enthusiastically.
- developing and improving ideas for hair and makeup designs
- developing and improving concepts for prosthetic devices
- during performances, quickly and precisely adjusting the hair and makeup of actors
- foreseeing and fixing continuity issues with hair and cosmetics that may occur on site.